Archive for Black Children

Sassy Setbacks…06.23.2008

Posted in Sassy Hall of Shame, 2 Sassy not Classy, Sassy Say What????, Sassy Setbacks, Sassy Thoughts & Random Reflections.. with tags , , , , , on June 23, 2008 by classatmysassytree

I am often amazed at what possibilities, advancement and exposure the wonderful World Wide Web has spawn for all of us. I mean, how exciting a time to live in the Technology Age. We get to make all sorts of connections with the simple click of a button. Technology advancement has helped the human race accomplish so much for our betterment, and then again……

And while we’re at it, I am totally disgusted by this one. I mean, are they really makin’ it rain on this baby? Why ya’ll? Help me understand!

~ Queen Sassy